Five unique vehicles made specifically to ensure the fire safety of the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant have arrived in the northernmost city of Russia, Pevek, where the vessel is moored.
The vehicles included an ABG-3 gas and smoke protection facility, a pump-and-hose vehicle, a foam-fighting vehicle and two fire-fighting tankers. The terms of reference were developed by nuclear utility Rosenergoatom, together with Russia's Ministry of Emergencies (Emercom) and the unit that protects the FNPP facilities.
Emercom noted that a distinctive feature of the machines is the ability to operate at extremely low air temperatures (down to -60 degrees). The special vehicles are equipped with additional heaters that provide heating for the cab, pump, and tanks, which are also manufactured using a unique technology. The vehicles were assembled at the Vargashinsky plant for fire-fighting and special equipment (Kurgan region) on Rosenergoatom’s order.
The Akademik Lomonosov was put into commercial operation in May becoming the 11th NPP in Russia and the northernmost in the world. The electric power of the FNPP is 70MW, the heat capacity is up to 50 Gcal/ h. In June it began supplying heat to the fifth microdistrict of Pevek. According to the plan, the entire city will be heated by the station in 2021