Following an accident in July at the Belarus NPP involving possible damage to a reactor pressure vessel, which fell during trial installation, Russian Research and Design Institute for Energy Technologies JSC Atomproekt will perform stress tests at the plant, according to the procurement website of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom. A RUB15.34m ($237,165) contract for the work has been concluded between the Republican Unitary Enterprise Belarusian NPP and Rosatom subsidiaryAtomstroyexport (principal contractor for construction of the NPP). The tests will take place from 1 to 10 September to re-evaluate the safety of the plant in face of extreme external influences and increased resistance to beyond-design-basis accidents. These will include events such as earthquakes, flooding, extreme weather conditions, and the impact of loss of safety functions as a result of power failure. Based on analysis of the report, additional tests or calculations will be carried out if necessary.