Sweden’s Studsvik Scandpower has formed a strategic partnership with US-based Blue Wave AI Labs to deliver enhanced diagnostic and predictive capabilities to nuclear energy facilities worldwide. The partnership will create a growing product line for Studsvik Scandpower: Studsvik AI, Powered by Blue Wave AI Labs.

Using Studsvik Scandpower's state-of-the art codes, CASMO5 and SIMULATE5, coupled with Blue Wave's innovative cloud-based Nuclear-AI Platform, plant operators will improve plant predictions, reduce operational challenges, and increase the efficiency of core design and cycle management in a direct way. Unparalleled visibility into the fuel cycle will allow operators to reclaim unnecessary design margin, reduce reload fuel costs, and eliminate potential lost generation revenue.

"Blue Wave has proven to be the trusted leader in AI solutions for the nuclear industry, already serving over half the U.S. domestic fleet of boiling water reactors and making a significant difference in their operational efficiency," said Rob Whittle, President and CEO of Studsvik Scandpower. Tom Gruenwald, Senior Vice President at Blue Wave AI Labs said the partnership “will broaden the reach of our AI-based analytical tools to the international marketplace and accelerate the development of revolutionary analytical techniques necessary for next generation nuclear power systems”.

Nuclear energy providers are being increasingly pressured by market changes to decrease costs while maintaining, and if possible, increasing production revenue, said Studsvik Scandpower. The strategic partnership “brings together tried and true simulation capabilities with breakthrough advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning to enable new levels of provider competitiveness.”

CASMO5 is Studsvik Scandpower's state-of-the-art 2D lattice physics code for modelling square and hexagonal light water reactor (LWR) nuclear fuel. SIMULATE5 is a 3D, steady-state, multi-group nodal code for the analysis of LWRs delivering vendor independence and unparalleled accuracy. Blue Wave AI Labs' Nuclear-AI Platform components have been recognised by the Nuclear Energy Institute with a 2021 Top Innovative Practice (TIP) award.

Image: The Studsvik Site (source: Studsvik)