The scope of the Contract is the supply of the following magnet conductors units: 20 kilometres of Toroidal Field Conductors (TF) and; 22 kilometres of Poloidal Field Conductors (PF1 and PF 6); 28 Kilometers of JT-60SA Toroidal Field Conductors.


The European Joint Undertaking for Iter and the Development of Fusion for Energy

C/Josep Pla No. 2 – Torres Diagonal Litoral – Edificio B3 – Floor n. 13 – Office n.29, Barcelona, 08019, Spain

Contact point(s):


General address of the contracting authority (URL):


The ITER Tokamak requires a superconducting magnet system, which consists of four main sub-systems: the 18 Toroidal Field coils (TF coils), the Central Solenoid (CS), the 6 Poloidal Field coils (PF coils) and the Correction Coils (CC coils).

The TF conductor is a Cable-In-Conduit Conductor (CICC) and relies on twisted, multifilament Nb3Sn-based composite strands that are Chromium plated. The un-reacted strands are cabled and the cable is jacketed into thin tubes to become a CICC. After compaction the conductors are heat-treated to temperatures up to 650 ̊C.

The PF conductor is also a CICC but made of twisted NbTi strands that are Ni plated. After cabling of the strands the cable is jacketed into a thick round-in-square jacket and compacted to final dimensions. The JT-60SA TF conductor is made of NbTi strand and is also a Cable in Conduit Conductor. The JT-60SA TF jacket is a thin stainless steel rectangular tube.

The scope of the contract is the acquisition of the following supplies: TF and PF conductors in conformity with the terms provided in the Tender Specifications: 20 km of TF; 28 km of JT-60SA TF; 22 km of PF (PF1 and PF 6).

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