The Swedish government has approved the power uprate at Sweden’s Oskarshamn 2 plant. The power uprate will be performed in connection to the scheduled third stage of the safety increasing measures in 2011.

The planned thermal power uprate, from 1,800 MW to 2,300 MW is within the scope of the modernization project in process at unit 2, OKG said. An increase of the thermal power, in combination with the efficiency increase of the turbine plant means that the electric power output, i.e. the deliveries to the grid, may increase from 610 MWe to approximately 840 MWe. The government decision was preceded by a positive statement from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and from the Environmental Court in 2009.

The modernization project at unit 2 has been in process since 2004 and involves a number of measures to further increase the plant safety, technical lifetime as well as the production capacity. The final modernization measures are scheduled to take place in 2011 and the final license regarding the power uprate are handled by SSM.

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