The Swedish radiation protection institute (SSI) is halting low- and intermediate-level waste disposal at the operational waste site at Forsmark, north of Stockholm, from June 21.

SSI says the Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company (SKB) is not living up to radiation protection standards.

In spite of SSI repeatedly pointing this out, it says SKB has taken a long time to submit accountancy documentation or has provided inadequate investigation material, which has complicated SSI’s supervisory work.

The accounts SSI has received have shown failings in radiation protection. Amongst other things, SKB has exceeded radiation protection boundaries and used inadequate methods to assess waste composition, according to SSI.

Although the current deficiencies do not constitute an immediate risk to the environment, SSI sees the situation as serious.

SKB said that current permissions for the SFR are based on old operational waste figures and it will apply for a new licence that reflects today’s position.

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