Aspect Decommissioning and demolition Decommissioning and redevelopment
Functional Structures and assets with no useful function are removed Structures and assets with functional value for the next use of the site are retained and may be reconfigured for a new use
Physical The site is returned as close as possible to its pre-development state The site is transformed into new industrial, commercial, recreational or residential property, possibly with some portions of the facility retained
Regulatory The existing operator or owner must remove nuclear hazards as required by law Ownership of the site is transferred during or after the elimination of nuclear hazards
Risk-based cleanup Most-conservative risk assumptions are used to determine remediation goals The proposed new site use determines the remediation goals, consistent with protection of human health and the environment
End point Defined by what is known about the original state of the site and current legislative requirements Identification of the decommissioning end point depends on planned end use and any redevelopment agreement
Community Economic activity associated with the site is lost New economic activity replaces economic activity lost by closure of the nuclear facility
Liability The owner remains liable for future harm caused by any failure to completely restore the site The owner transfers the site and possibly the management residual liabilities to the new owner (Note: process based on national legislation)
Resource use The land occupied by the nuclear facility is unavailable for use during decommissioning, demolition, and restoration. The subsequent construction time needed for any new use will further delay access to the resource. The land is returned to use earlier, enabling development on a brownfield site rather than on more sensitive or valuable land
Financial Cash flows are negative until the completely restored site is leased or sold Costs of decommissioning and restoration are reduced, can be offset by the development value of the land, and are recovered more quickly
Project The decommissioner is free to plan and execute work within financial and regulatory constraints Planning and execution of decommissioning responsibilities must be done in consultation with the developer to maximize the redevelopment value of the site
Long-term stewardship The owner remains responsible for monitoring residual contamination and continues to maintain any institutional controls Management of all site activities becomes the responsibility of the new owner