Table 1: Phases in the use of nuclear energy and the management of high level waste
Phase Approximate time frame Relevant activity during the phase

1 2000-2050 • Use of nuclear power continues.
    • Reprocessing of irradiated fuel continues; plutonium stockpiled.
    • Design and costing of long-term MRSS facilities carried out.
    • R&D into alternative methods for fuel disposal continues.
    • Ring-fenced fund established to meet net costs for management of phase 1 high level waste and storage of plutonium.

2 2050-2100 • Possible temporary pause in the use of nuclear power.
    • Reprocessing of backlog of irradiated fuel continues.
    • Construction and commissioning of long-term MRSS facilities begins.

3 End of phase 2 until 2300 • Nuclear energy re-introduced for power generation and replacement of nuclear heat, using stockpiled plutonium in breeder, or near-breeder reactors. energy by a Reprocessing of irradiated fuel continues, to provide a better alternative. sustainable energy source.
  • Development and commissioning of final disposal facilities.