Table 2 – Review of Tokai Mura incident
Content of information first obtained  
An accident involving a radioactive leak 62%
An occurence of an accident 26%
Someone was exposed to a critical level  
of radiation 20%
There was an accident involving an  
explosion 16%
The credibility of the first information  
Believing in information they first received 63%
Trusted the accuracy of information first  
received 63%
Whose information was most trusted?  
Mayor of Tokai Mura 75%
Nuclear specialists from the Tokai Mura  
facility 43%
Prefecture governor 38%
National government agencies 32%
Radioactivity checks  
Did not go to radioactivity checks after  
the accident 51%
Because they were not fellt to be necessary 61%
Because they were too busy 17%
General physical examinations  
Did not go to general physical  
examinations 83%
Because they were not felt to be necessary 61%
Because they were too busy to go 17%
Who was a trustworthy person regarding nuclear emergency management?  
Mayor of Tokai Muura 68%
Nuclear specialists from the Tokai Mura  
facility 43%
Atomic energy commission and atomic  
safety commission 22%
Governor of the prefecture 20%
National government agencies 20%