Table 2. Units that have not yet operated for 1 year as at end March 2001
Reactor Country Rank Load factor % Avail% Rank Load factor % Mwh(gr) generated MWe gross Type First power
Chooz B 1 F   77.2       10258438 1516 P 05/01
Angra 2 BR   62.4       5096892 1309 P 07/01
Chooz B 2 F   95.6       6327212 1516 P 09/01
Kaiga 1 IN   0.0       n/a 235 P 11/01
Rajasthan 3 IN   0.0       n/a 220 H 06/01
Reactor type abbreviations: P=PWR, B=BWR, H=Heavy water (pressurised), M=Magnox, A=AGR, R=RBMK, F=Fast Reactor
Ranking: Load factors are only shown in the table to one place of decimals, but ranking is on the basis of three places of decimals