Dismantling services and conditioning of activated purification plant and ion exchange resins; primary circuit including the heat exchangers and reservoir; plant collection radioactive liquid effluents; circuit water drainage of the pool and hot exhaust.

Lot 1: Development of Operational Plan and the Time schedule of activities. Estimated value: 92,400 EUR
Lot 2: Decommissioning services of nuclear reactor RTS-1. Estimated value: 4.6 million EUR

Contact point:
Ministero della Difesa – Centro Interforze Studi Applicazioni Militari
Via della Bigattiera – Lato Monte 10
Punti di contatto: Ufficio Amministrazione
56122 San Piero a Grado (PI)
Telefono: +39 050964-520/500
Fax: +39 050964-505/312

Application language: Italian