Example of Zeolite powder (Photo credit: Tepco)Tenex-Japan Co, a subsidiary of Russian nuclear trade organisation Techsnabexport has signed a direct contract with Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc to carry out research work on the handling radioactive zeolites.

As part of the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, bags with zeolites were placed in the basements of the auxiliary buildings for sorption treatment of contaminated water from radionuclides.

Specialists from Tenex-Japan Co, the NN Dollezhal Research & Development Institute of Power Engineering (Nikiet) and the Institute of Reactor Materials (Nikiet’s Sverdlovsk Branch) will develop several scenarios for the extraction and handling of radioactive zeolites and will conduct an initial safety assessment of their long-term intermediate storage.

“As a result of the study, we will offer the customer a well-grounded concept for the safe handling of radioactive zeolites so that the Japanese side can make an informed decision and move on to planning work directly on the site,” said Nobuo Maki, Chief Technology Officer, Tenex-Japan Co.

Photo: Example of Zeolite powder (Photo credit: Tepco)