Top ten electricity generators as of end of December 2000
Reactor Country No Lifetime TWh MWe Type First power
      generated     (m/y)
Unterweser D 1 203.4 1350 P 09/78
Biblis B D 2 186.4 1300 P 04/76
Biblis A D 3 185.0 1225 P 08/74
Grafenrheinfeld D 4 184.6 1345 P 12/81
Grohnde D 5 180.1 1430 P 09/84
Philippsburg 2 D 7 170.9 1424 P 12/84
Tihange 1 B 6 170.9 1009 P 03/75
Goesgen CH 8 163.4 1020 P 02/79
Peach Bottom 2 US 9 161.5 1159 B 02/74
Peach Bottom 3 US 10 161.0 1152 B 09/74