Transmutation of minor actinides extracted from the SPX-1200 type reactor
Reactor-transmuter VVER-1000 BN-600 SPX-1200 BREST-1000 ADS-800
Total neutron flux density (n/cm2s) 2.4×1014 3.0×1015 3.0×1015 2.0×1015 2.6×1015
Thermal neutron flux density (n/cm2s) 2.8×1013 1.4×106 4.9×105 3.8×105 2.0×1015
Time of the transition to equilibrium (years) 30 45 45 70 1
Equilibrium mass of minor actinides (kg) 690 1200 1200 1750 53
Time period t (years) 55 60 60 75 12