Russian Fuel Company TVEL (part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom) and the Atomic Energy Organisation of Egypt on 15 April signed a contract for the supply of low enriched uranium fuel from TVEL’s Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrate Plant (NCCP) to Egypt’s ETRR-2 research reactor. The contract was signed on the sidelines of the XI International Forum Atomexpo-2019 in Sochi. The ETRR-2 at the National Centre for Nuclear Research in the city of Inshas is used for scientific research in the field of elementary particle physics, materials science, and also for producing stable isotopes. In 2017-2018 NCCP supplies a number of nuclear fuel components for the ETRR-2. TVEL also expects to supply of nuclear fuel for the four VVER-1200 reactors to be built at Al Dabaa NPP in Egypt and to assist in construction of a dry container storage for used nuclear fuel at Al-Dabaa. The Central Design Technological Institute, also part of TVEL, is subcontractor for the design.