Ukraine’s new energy strategy document, Security, Energy Efficiency, Competitiveness, approved by the cabinet on 18 August, sees nuclear's share of electricity generation remaining at around 50% to 2035. The ministry of energy and coal industry said the wide-ranging reforms outlined in the document are aimed at reducing the energy intensity of the economy, attracting investment, increasing the domestic supply of energy, improving energy efficiency and integrating Ukraine's energy sector into that of the European Union.
The document was drafted over two years with contributions from various Ukrainian institutes and public organisations, including the National Institute for Strategic Studies, as well as domestic and international experts. Vice prime minister Volodymyr Kistion said, "The essential objective of the new strategy is to reduce energy consumption of Ukraine's economy by half by 2030 and to boost the country's production of both traditional and alternative energy sources." Nuclear power will provide 50% of electricity, renewable sources 25%, hydropower 13%, and the remainder will be supplied by fossil-fuelled power plants.
Priorities in terms of nuclear fuel include ensuring the growth of uranium and zirconium production and industrial development of proven uranium deposits. The strategy notes that the country already has the capacity to produce some nuclear fuel components. It says Ukraine should expand the range of components it can produce domestically and import nuclear fuel fabrication technology. Ukraine should also build up a stock of fresh nuclear fuel.