Russian nuclear corporation Rosatom says that a ban on the shipment of nuclear fuel cycle products by rail across Ukraine will not impact its fuel supply commitments for foreign nuclear power plants.

The ban was imposed by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine on January 28, 2014.

In light of the ban, Rosatom plans to transport nuclear fuel to foreign nuclear plants by air, which it says is ‘an alternative licensed mode of transport.

A shipment of nuclear fuel is due to be delivered to Slovak nuclear power plants by air next week, Rosatom said 5 March. Slovakia has four Russian-designed VVER-440 reactors in operation at the Bohunice and Mochovce sites.

Rosatom nuclear fuel subsiduary TVEL is responsible for the supply of fuel to 76 reactors in 14 countries, including Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine and Slovakia, its websites says.

Photo: Bohunice nuclear power plant in Slovakia