On 20 August, Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom   switched to using a united brand. While preserving their names and unique identity, the organisations and enterprises of the Russian nuclear industry will get unified logos based on Rosatom’s trademark of the Mobius strip.

The use of this umbrella branding in the nuclear industry “will allow a unified positioning of Rosatom organisations in the domestic and foreign markets, which, in turn, will lead to higher recognition of Russian nuclear industry enterprises and their projects among partners and customers”, Rosatom said.

The rebranding campaign is being carried out as a part of Rosatom’s new strategy, approved in April, which is based on the principle of a United Rosatom.

“Rosatom has created a strong and respected international brand, and the use of a name with a long history, in particular, in promoting new products in the non-nuclear sphere (digital products, development of the Arctic, environmental projects, mechanical engineering, etc.) opens up wide opportunities for Rosatom enterprises on promising markets.”

Rosatom said it is symbolic that the large-scale industry rebranding campaign coincided with the Russian nuclear industry’s 75th anniversary.