AREVA has announced it has won a contract to supply studies and fuel fabrication services for EDF’s French fleet from 2015-2021, a contract for ‘several thousands of tons’ of fuel, a ‘significant’ portion of EDF’s requirements.

Much of the work will be carried out at its Romans, France fabrication plant. The deal will also see the two cooperating on developing AREVA’s GAIA fuel, and the two plan to load test assemblies in an EDF reactor in the ‘short-term’.

Westinghouse announced that has booked orders for fabrication and delivery of nuclear fuel and engineering services from eight customers for 13 nuclear power plant in the Americas region. The contracts are worth about $500 million. It also said that Westinghouse fuel loaded into US reactors has been leak-free since May 2014, and 98% leak-free over the past two years.
There have also been recent announcements about fuel contracts in Germany.

AREVA also recently announced it won four reloads of HTP fuel for RWE’s Emsland nuclear power plant located near Lingen, Germany, with deliveries scheduled from 2016 to 2020.

GNF ENUSA Nuclear Fuel S.A. (GENUSA) also announced that it has been selected by RWE and E.ON to provide fuel reloads for Gundremmingen C. The three reloads and options for two more included in the agreement will potentially provide fuel to the plant during its remaining lifetime.

Picture: Romans fuel fabrication. Picture from AREVA.