A framework deal for increased collaboration in nuclear energy between Japan and the US has been signed.

The United States-Japan Joint Nuclear Energy Action Plan aims to increase energy security and management of nuclear waste, address nuclear non-proliferation and climate change, and advance the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) initiative.

US energy secretary Samual Bodman said the deal formalises an agreement to collaborate in four main areas:

• Cooperation of nuclear energy research and development under GNEP;

• Collaboration on policies that support the construction of new nuclear power plants;

• Establishment of a nuclear fuel supply assurance mechanism; and

• Joint collaboration to support the safe and secure expansion of nuclear energy in interested countries while promoting non-proliferation, consistent with GNEP.

Implementation of the Action Plan will begin immediately. Both nations will establish six GNEP research and development working groups covering fast reactor technology; fuel cycle technology; small and medium reactors; and waste management among other areas.

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