The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued a generic licence for Studsvik Scandpower’s Core Management System 5 (CMS5), making it more accessible to utilities in the USA.
The CMS5 software can be used by operators of pressurised water reactors to design the nuclear fuel and reactor core loading. It can also act as a base code for analysis and planning of all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle.
Studsvik applied to the NRC for the generic licence in December 2015.
“Pursuing the generic licence required a significant financial investment and the dedication over several years by our nuclear and technology engineering staff,” said Steven Freel, president of Studsvik Scandpower.
The generic licence is classified by the NRC as a “generally approved method,” and simply requires an operator to notify the NRC in writing 90 days before it first uses CMS5. The CMS5 generic licence applies to every type of PWR fuel.
Without a general licence, processing an individual application with the NRC could cost a utility more than $500,000, Freel said.
Studsvik said that a leading US nuclear utility supported its licence application by drawing on operating data from its fleet of nuclear plants.