Dr. Bruno Thomauske has been relieved of his function as head of Vattenfall Europe Nuclear Energy (VENE) in the wake of incidents at German nuclear power plants Krümmel and Brunsbüttel.

Both shut downs were due to short circuits in the electricity grid. At Brunsbüttel a failure in the grid preceded the shut down during work on an E.ON switching station near the plant. This disconnected the power station’s link with the network and thus initiated the shutdown. At Krümmel nuclear power plant, the shut down was caused by a fire in a power transformer located outside the reactor building.

Until further notice Thomauske’s duties will be taken over by Reinhard Massa, head of power plants at Vattenfall Europe. Johannes Altmeppen, head of communications at Vattenfall Europe, has informed the chief executive that he will leave his post. His role will be taken over by Rainer Knaber, head of group area Politik und Gesellschaft.

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