CNEA and WANO signed a MOU (Credit: CNEA)The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and the China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), formalising their arrangement to work together to maximise nuclear safety and reliability worldwide.

WANO works with the world's nuclear operators to assess, benchmark and improve performance through mutual support, exchange of information and emulation of best practices. CNEA, is a non-profit non-governmental organisation that aims to act as a bridge for CNEA members, to link with the government and the foreign counterparts.

“We are delighted to formalise our partnership with CNEA with this MoU," said Peter Prozesky, WANO's chief executive officer. "We look forward to working closely with CNEA and our other Chinese members to collaborate further to enhance nuclear safety and reliability in commercial nuclear power plants in China, the wider region and the world.”

Zhang Tingke, the secretary-general of the CNEA said the organisation will be committed to "actively contribute to WANO activities, providing support to improving the performance of nuclear power plants operating in China and around the world.”

CNEA has become a category 3 member of WANO and will be affiliated with the London Office until the office in Shanghai is established as a fully-fledged and operational regional centre. CNEA will also be affiliated with all four WANO Regional Centres (Atlanta, Paris, Moscow and Tokyo) according to MoUs agreed with each regional centre.

Photo: Zhang Tingke secretary-general of the China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA) and Prozesky, WANO's chief executive officer signed a MOU for affiliation with the London office in September (Credit: CNEA)