The DoE’s January 2004 Final Hanford Site Solid (Radioactive and Hazardous) Waste Environmental Impact Statement analysed the potential consequences of disposing of up to 220,000m3 of LLW and 140,000m3 of MLLW from other DoE sites around the country. Though no significant environmental impacts were found for the disposal, the record of decision limits what may be sent to Hanford to 62,000m3 of LLW and 20,000m3 of MLLW.

Jessie Roberson, the DoE assistant secretary for environmental management said: “The department has worked hard to ensure that only the waste most suited for disposal at Hanford will be sent there. We have set strict limits for the amount of waste Hanford can accept.”

In addition, the DoE said it was immediately ceasing the disposal of LLW in unlined trenches. A new, lined facility for LLW and MLLW will be constructed.

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