The scope of the contract is first to provide recommendations for an improved, more efficient and sustainable waste management system in Ukraine, for a comprehensive national inventory of radioactive waste (including waste in storage facilities and temporary burial sites) and future liabilities, and for the improvement of the personnel training system in the area of radioactive waste management in Ukraine. Support to the establishment of the national waste management organisation and to the development of a corporate information and analytical system for radioactive waste management, to be commissioned by NNEGC Energoatom at a pilot nuclear power plant, must be provided. Moreover, the scope of the contract also consists of the enhancement of the capabilities for management of programmes/projects relevant to radioactive waste management in Ukraine and of personnel of ministries and other organisations concerned with the management of radioactive waste in Ukraine. An up-to-date methodology for radioactive waste disposal safety assessments, to be adapted and implemented in Ukraine, a conceptual design of a national radioactive waste management system and a national archive of radioactive waste management documentation resulting from Ukrainian programmes and international assistance projects must also be developed.


Maximum budget: 2 850 000 EUR.



Reference: 91676-2011

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority: European Union, represented by the European Commission, on behalf of and for the account of Ukraine, 1049 Brussels, BELGIUM.

Applications must be submitted using the standard application form, the format and instructions of which must be strictly observed. The application form is available at the following Internet address:

Any additional documentation (brochure, letter, etc.) sent with an application will not be taken into consideration.

FilesReactor-by-reactor, system-by-system summary from JAIF on 26 March