Ukraine’s Zaporozhye NPP has started loading the first batch of TVS-WR fuel made by Westinghouse Electric Co into the reactor of unit 5, the plant said on 16 June. The loading process was observed by nuclear utility Energoatom president Yuri Nedashkovski, US deputy assistant secretary of energy Edward McGinnis and representative of the US Argonne National Laboratory Igor Bodnar.

"At this time, six TVS-WR fuel assemblies have been loaded in the reactor. A total of 42 TVS-WR is planned to be loaded as the first batch," the plant said. It was reported that during the visit of the US delegation further discussions were held on plans for US-made fuel deliveries to Zaporozhye as well as preparations for the in-core monitoring system for operation in the TVS-WR core.

Ukraine’s State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate (SNRI) permitted loading of a first batch of Westinghouse fuel at Zaporozhye 5 "based on positive results of the state review of nuclear and radiation safety of the expansion project of pilot operation of nuclear fuel of Westinghouse Electric Co".

Ukraine has said it intends to buy one-third of nuclear fuel for its NPPs from Westinghouse in 2016 as part of measures aimed at diversifying sources of nuclear fuel supplies SNRI head Serhiy Bozhko emphasised the importance of diversification of nuclear fuel supplies, adding that such policy is in line with the European energy security strategy.