Westinghouse Electric Company has signed an agreement with Spansih utility Endesa to share information on the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear energy technology. The agreement is aimed at providing Endesa with more information on the 1200 MW Generation III reactor design and performance, with a view to selecting the technology for future new nuclear projects to be built in Spain and South America.

Westinghouse announced March 8 that the agreement allows the transfer to Endesa of select proprietary Westinghouse information on the AP1000 design, its manufacture and construction. Endesa staff will also work alongside Westinghouse in areas such as engineering, licensing, plant construction support and simulator training.

Westinghouse President of Operations Ric Perez said in a statement “I am delighted to be signing this agreement today, recognizing the increasing interest by Endesa in our AP1000 technology. This agreement is also reflective of the ever-increasing interest in the AP1000 by potential customers throughout Europe.”

Perez added that Endesa is an important and long-term customer of Westinghouse in Spain and could be an excellent partner for future projects in Spain or in South America.

Endesa is the leading electricity company in Spain, the main electricity company in Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru and is also present in Brazil. It is a significant player in the energy sector of the European Mediterranean region, especially Italy, and it is active in other European countries.

Through its subsidiaries Endesa has nearly 40,000MW of installed capacity. The company produces 40% of the electricity it generates outside Spain.

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