Wood, which recently acquired Amec Foster Wheeler, has won a two-year framework agreement to provide industrial services for the Dounreay nuclear site in Thurso, Scotland.

The contract with Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) covers the delivery of electrical installation, control and instrumentation, testing, commissioning and maintenance support. It includes two options for one-year extension. 

Wood said the new framework agreement builds on the company's existing presence at Dounreay, where it has worked since 2015 on a wide range of projects. Wood has been involved in the design and construction of a new effluent treatment plant and the design, safety case and environmental assessment of a new higher activity waste store, a statement said. 

Dounreay is recognised as the most complex nuclear site closure project in Europe. The site decommissioning programme is being managed by DRSL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Cavendish Dounreay Partnership Ltd (a consortium of Cavendish Nuclear, CH2M and AECOM) on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.