Canada’s X-energy and Kinectrics on 21 April signed a collaboration agreement to advance the design and deployment of X-energy’s Xe-100 small modular reactor (SMR) in Canada, the US and worldwide.

Under this agreement, the two companies will strengthen their long-standing relationship by expanding collaboration on regulatory affairs; safety and licensing; and equipment qualification and testing.

“The Kinectrics team is a valued partner in our efforts to design and deploy the Xe-100 in Canada,” said Katherine Moshonas Cole, President of X-energy Canada. “Through our strengthened partnership, both organisations will benefit from being able to draw on an expanded pool of world-class talent and resources that will help us deliver the Xe-100 in Canada and globally.”

Kinectrics is the category leader in providing life cycle management services for the electricity industry. Backed by more than 1,100 engineers and technical experts, the company provides unparalleled nuclear services to clients worldwide. Kinectrics has been instrumental to X-energy’s progress in the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s (CNSC) Pre-Licensing Vendor Design Review (VDR) of the Xe-100. Most recently, the company supported X-energy’s submission of its second Focus Area Package to the CNSC.

The Xe-100 builds on decades of High-Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) operation, research, and development. The Generation IV technology is designed to operate as a standard 320 MWe four-pack power plant, or be scaled in units of 80 MWe, as needed. It is engineered to deliver base- and load-following grid-scale power to electricity systems and, at 200 MWt of 565°C steam, is suitable for heavy industry, mining, petrochemical and other power applications. It is a flexible design that can pair with renewables.