The high-voltage 330 kV back-up power supply line, Ferroalloy-1, has been reconnected at the Zaporizhia NPP (ZNPP), according to the plant’s Telegram channel. ZNPP said automatic shutdown had occurred the day before, but the main 750 kV Dneprovskaya line had continued to operate and there were no violations of the security conditions. No explanation was given for the temporary shutdown of the back-up line.
Meanwhile, Russia has criticised the IAEA for its latest remarks on ZNPP during the recent Board of Governors’ meeting. The IAEA report once again does not indicate that it is Ukraine that poses a threat to the safety of the Zaporizhia NPP, said Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s Permanent Representative to international organisations in Vienna.
“The main task of the IAEA experts is to record threats and provocations against ZNPP and analyse their consequences,” he said. “Unfortunately, the Agency’s representatives are not doing a very good job of this. This, in general, is the main problem of the report – it once again does not indicate that it is the Ukrainian side that poses threats to the safety of the Nuclear Power Plant,” Ulyanov said, speaking at the session of the IAEA Board of Governors Nuclear Safety, Physical Nuclear Safety and guarantees in Ukraine. The text of his speech was published by the official Telegram channel of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation. He added that it is obvious that the IAEA secretariat has all the information to draw such a conclusion, but, apparently, “fears possible political consequences”.