GNS Group receives another major dismantling order from PreussenElektra 

The GNS group has received an order from PreussenElektra (PEL) for the dismantling of the reactor pressure vessels (RPV) of its entire nuclear power fleet. The project managed by GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH, called ReaDi ("Reactor Dismantling"), comprises the complete dismantling as well as the packaging of the six pressure vessels, each weighing between 400 and 500 tons, for final disposal. The project is expected to last a total of 10 years.

Höfer & Bechtel GmbH, in which the GNS Group has held a majority stake since last year, will be responsible for the dismantling of the reactor pressure vessels, while GNS itself, as a specialist in the field of waste management, will be responsible not only for the project management but also for the packaging of the dismantled components for final disposal. The two companies are supported by the GNS subsidiary WTI Wissenschaftlich-Technische Ingenieurberatung GmbH.

"We need experienced and proven partners also for this project, which is strategically important for decommissioning. Both companies have already shown that they have the necessary competence and experience in implementing complex and sensitive projects," explains Dr. Guido Knott, PreussenElektra Managing Director responsible for decommissioning and dismantling.

For GNS, this is not the first order from PreussenElektra's decommissioning activities: two years ago, a consortium also led by GNS was awarded the contract for dismantling and packaging the reactor pressure vessel internals of the six PEL nuclear power plants. "After the disposal of the RPV internals, we will seamlessly continue the dismantling of the reactor pressure vessels", explains Boris Westerwinter, group leader for dismantling and major projects responsible for the two PEL projects. "This offers a high synergy potential, as we are already very familiar with all the boundary conditions and circumstances".

In addition, GNS plays a decisive role in the complete defueling of all German nuclear power plants with its CASTOR® casks for irradiated fuel elements as well as with the GNS IQ® Integrated Quiver System for the safe packaging of damaged fuel rods, developed jointly with Höfer & Bechtel.

"With the acquisition of Höfer & Bechtel last year, we have consistently strengthened our position to meet the challenges of the upcoming dismantling projects," affirms Dr. Hannes Wimmer, Chairman of the GNS Management Board. "This order from PreussenElektra underscores our leading role in the dismantling of German nuclear power plants."