Westinghouse Electric Company has opened a new European Pump and Motor Maintenance and Repair Center in central Belgium. The EUR6 billion ($8.5bn) facility will be able to repair and refurbish more than 20 large motors and 10 pumps a year.

The new workshop in Nivelles offers more than 2000 square meters of manufacturing space and allows work to be carried out on multiple pumps and motors in parallel. It has easy truck access, a large-capacity crane (63t), and is equipped with a large vertical lathe, a large horizontal lathe, and a dynamic balancing machine capable of handling the largest pump and motor components.

The first job will be the maintenence of primary circuit pumps and motors in EDF’s French nulcear power plants.

Senior vice president, Westinghouse Nuclear Services, Nick Liparulo said: “Our growth here in Nivelles is reflective of both the scope of the global nuclear renaissance and our ongoing commitment to create success for our customers. We see an exciting and long-term future for our industry, our company and for this new maintenance and repair center.”

Westinghouse is growing its pump and motor organization in Europe and continues to have access to the knowledge and experience existing in its US engineering and shop operations.

The firm plans further investments in the Nivelles Service Center, including additional expansion of the current maintenance and storage facility due to be completed by 2011.

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