Replacement of the high-pressure and low-pressure steam turbines and the integrated instrumentation control and protection systems for the nuclear power plants Doel 1 and 2 in Belgium.


Electrabel – Nucleaire productiezone Doel. Scheldemolenstraat, Haven 1806

9130 Doel, BELGIUM


Specifications and additional documents (including documents for a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained at:

Tractebel Engineering SA

Avenue Ariane, 7

Attn: Mrs. Rebecca Deraeck

1200 Brussels


Tel. +32 27737047


Fax +32 27737486


Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity: 0150-P.054500/3-Doel 1&2: Replacement of the HP and LP steam turbines and the control and protection systems.

Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Supplies. Purchase.

Main place of delivery: Nuclear Power Plant of Doel (near Antwerp).

NUTS code: BE2

Short description of the contract or purchase(s): This contract concerns at the first part the design, manufacture, supply, transport, the factory acceptance tests (FAT), the delivery on site, the dismantling, the installation assembly on Site, putting into service, the site acceptance tests (SAT), the spare parts, the documentations, the training and the warranty of 2X1 High Pressure turbine of large power steam turbine and 2X2 Low Pressure turbines of large power steam turbines. This equipment will be installed at the units of Doel 1 and Doel 2.

As a second part the project’s scope also includes the supply of integrated I&C systems for the turbine protection and control for the two Nuclear Power Plants in Belgium (Doel 1 and Doel 2). This involves the supply of electronic equipment (hardware and software): safety and speed control systems, logic control system for auxiliaries, operator workstations and engineering station. The safety system shall be based on a duly certified “2 out of 3” structure and the speed control and logic system will be based on a dual redundant structure.

The project may include the replacement of some mechanical protection devices by electronic devices.

The supply, installation and cabling of new instrumentation to fulfill redundancy requirements for safety and speed control loop are also part of the project’s scope.

In addition, the control room desks have to be modified to allow the installation of operator stations and a bus connection to the process computer is to be implemented.

This turn-key contract includes for I&C the studies, the design of the system, the programming of the controllers, the manufacturing, the factory acceptance tests (FAT), the delivery on site, the dismantling, the installation, the documentation, the site acceptance tests (SAT), the spare parts, the training and the warranty.


Starting 15.3.2011 Completion 1.6.2015


Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met: A.1 Legal form, date of foundation,

A.2 Registration number in the register of commerce (or equivalent),

A.3 Registration number VAT,

A.4 Registration number social security,

A.5 Documentary evidence, not older than 6 months, delivered by qualified authorities, concerning the situation of the candidate in the matter of social security contribution, payment of taxes (VAT), payment of Inland revenue,

A.6 Documentary evidence that the candidate is not subject of a bankruptcy, judicial arrangement, preventive judicial concordate or any other procedure of the same kind that exists in the national law – and rules,

A.7 The client applies in his company an ethics programme that is applicable to the entire GDF-SUEZ Group (see In this context, the candidate has to state in writing that he agrees to comply with this programme. This statement must be part of the prequalification file.

Economic and financial capacity

B.1 Copy of the 3 last annual reports.

B.2 Functional chart of the company

B.3 Statement delivered and signed by a financial company (with good reputation), not older than 6 months that concludes that the company has enough financial capacity to fulfil the contract. This statement shall mention that the financial company puts the credit lines at the disposal of the company and/or is prepared to possible investigation of credit request for the execution of this assignment.

Any candidate who is in one of the following situations may be excluded:

B.4 Candidates who are in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation, cessation of trading, judicial settlement, arrangement with creditors, whose trading has been suspended or who is in any similar state or situation resulting from similar provisions under national laws and regulations

B.5 Candidates who are under a procedure for bankruptcy, judicial settlement, arrangement with creditors or any similar procedures under national laws and regulations;

B.6 Candidates who have been the subject of a final sentence passed for any offence or infringement with respect to professional ethics;

B.7 Candidates who in professional matters have displayed a serious misconduct, substantiated in any way that the contracting authority can justify;

B.8 Candidates who have failed in their obligation to pay social security contributions consistent with the legislation of the country where the business is established;

B.9 Candidates who have failed in their obligation to pay their taxes and duties consistent with the legislation of the country where the business is established.

Technical capacity

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met Applicant must.

C.1. Provide references for similar works

C.2. Have the financial capacity compatible with the size of tender to be completed (to be substantiated by the financial information required)

C.3. Have been granted ISO 9001 or equivalent

C.4. Prove that he uses a Health, Safety Environment management system

C.5. Provide commitment to support the hardware / software items during the 15 years time and preferably during 20 years

C.6. Provide commitment to use open / industry standard communication protocol(s)

C.7. Provide a list of proprietary hardware / software products (COTS) that the new system could be based on

C.8. Have experience and must have several references in design, manufacturing, programming, installing, and commissioning of steam turbines of 400MW or higher electrical power output in a nuclear power plant. A list of references (I&C architecture, Client, purpose, location, commercial operational date) shall be attached to the participation documents

C.9. Have to prove that he has enough and qualified resources to execute the Contract in due time and cope with the limited duration of the power plant outages. Furthermore he has to assure field and after sale services. A detailed typical organisational chart and planning for this type of project will be supplied by the Candidate

C.10. Provide information regarding the proposed software / application development plan: a diagram showing the development, the verification and the QA processes is expected

C.11. Provide information regarding the proposed testing and commissioning plan: a general description of the verification / validation approach is expected

C.12. Provide information regarding the possible maintenance contract: an overview of the possible support is expected

C.13. Provide staff personal on site able to communicate in Dutch

All requests to participate must be accompanied by all documents justifying that the applicant meets the above-mentioned minimum requirements.


Type of procedure: Negotiated

Candidates have already been selected No

Award criteria: The most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the specifications or in the invitation to tender or to negotiate

An electronic auction will be used: No


File reference number attributed by the contracting entity: 0150-P.054500/3

Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 7.6.2010 – 17:00

Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up:

English. French. Dutch.

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